Do you own accommodation? Find on this page various information that concerns you.
A practical page for hosts
The tourist tax was instituted in France by the law of April 13, 1910 to contribute to local tourist development.
In this context, the Community of Communes of Aspres has deliberated to set up the tourist tax from January 1, 2011. The deliberation of the Community of Communes indicates, in accordance with the law, that the product of the tourist tax is fully paid to the Aspres-Thuir Intercommunal Tourist Office for welcoming and promoting tourism in the area. the collection of the tourist tax is compulsory in all tourist accommodation.
For accommodation in the community of Communes of Aspres from 1 January 2020, the tourist tax is collected in real terms for all types of accommodation.
If you own tourist accommodation, you must collect the tourist tax. Find below the practical tourist tax guide, as well as all the documents necessary to draw up your declaration.
For more information, the legal texts governing the tourist tax are listed in: The General Code of Territorial Communities: L2333-26 to L2333-40; R2333-43 to R2333-64; D2333-45 The Tourism Code: L422-3 to 422-5